Blessed with Bilingual Brains©

Waka Aotearoa Education Ltd ©


Blessed with Bilingual Brains©


© Waka Aotearoa Education Ltd


Kia orana, Kia ora, Noa’ia, Talofa lava, Mauri, Mālō e lelei, Tālofa, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Mālō ni and warm Pacific greetings.


Vaka Leo Voices Consortium (VLVC) is a formal social enterprise grouping of independent Pacific language organisations. This includes trusts and companies, school-based Pasifika bilingual units, Early Learning Centres, churches, families, communities, academics, researchers and COMET Auckland.

We pledge to work together to support each other to develop and enhance high quality knowledge and expertise in Bilingual Education for all in Pasifika education and for all our Pasifika communities.


Our Mission

VLVC Community PLD and Fono Mangere East

Our mission is to support quality, evidence-based teaching and learning in Pasifika bilingual programmes. Our vision is that all Pasifika learners whose families wish them to become bilingual and biliterate are able to do so.